Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ship not abandoned after all

Although it's hard to keep updating just one blog, I feel like it's still very necessary to check in with this one occasionally. I miss you. I feel like I grew apart from a close friend and I don't like it. Wedding planning will go in a blur and Brent and I are well aware of it so we've been doing our initial planning on apartment hunting. It feels like a lot of hurry up and wait but we do have enough things to get done where there's more hurry, less wait. Even more exciting than the thought of the wedding and honeymoon is actually living together and decorating our space--even if it's a pathetic excuse of an apartment. I've never lived away from home and I know that it's going to be an adventure. It's an awe-inspiring, nerve-wrecking thought but I know (or at least I sincerely hope) that everything will turn out just fine.
Kaneohe dusky sky through sunglasses

This little Hawaiian chilipepper is HOT! --Sunrise Okinawan Restaurant

View of the harbor from Haines' hotel room

We all (all = mommy+Brent+Sasch) went to support Ken and Humble Soul at Boardriders Bar & Grill, Kailua.

At In-Betweens, Waikiki

Seaglass hunting with Haines at Seaglass Beach

Salena eating lime-flavored jello that she made. She was the only one who liked it.