Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 3 of quarentine + bonus feature

...It's not that serious but I have been sick for the past three days now. I started on Tuesday night after I got home from Brent's home. I was about to go to sleep but my stomach had been bothering me since this morning (when I had thrown up but thought it wasn't anything...intense. Yeah, idk how throwing up is never intense but just go with my story, please). Anyway, needless to say, I got home and well, blehhhh-ed. Still convinced that it wasn't such an intense thing, I dismissed it as a "maybe my body felt like it needed to do that" sorta thing. I woke up the next day feeling....intense. and not in a good way. I let my boss know that I wasn't going to make it to work that day but I worked from home, occasionally checking emails. When I couldn't go to work yesterday either, I figured I should call the Advice line at the doctor's office. The nurse told me that it was probably a bug that would come to pass and that there was no point in me going to see the doctor that day. She said to make an appointment if this continued for two or three more days. So now it's Friday, I woke up with a slight fever and I'm convinced what I have is in fact a prolonged stomach flu. All the symptoms are there plus, this has happened to me before and everyone (including the doctor) was convinced that I was having morning sickness and that I was pregnant. They even made me do the test. This time, I knew better (even though some of my coworkers joked that I was at home throwing up because I had morning sickness). I'd like to think that I would know (gut instinct? intuition?) if I was pregnant and for some reason, I knew that I wasn't. I have the stomach flu. Even the nurse said it was more than likely so. If this doesn't go away by Saturday, I'm going in and no one can stop me.

But it sucks being bed-ridden when you didn't plan for it. I'd honestly rather be at work right now because this is cutting into my vacation time and it's only April. I have to make my vacation time last till December and already, I got three days stolen by fake morning sickness. Arrrghhh...

To past the time, I gathered all the pictures I meant to put in here (kids and pet-related) but had no point in adding until now...well, some are pretty recent (as in this week). This section is called "They do the darnest things":

 This obviously isn't my doing but I thought it had awesome factor.

Miao and I drove by this lady with a dog on her moped. If you look carefully, you can see that she built a platform for the dog to sit on.

I don't even know what to say about sister is imaginative?

Harada's hiding because he can hear a vaccum cleaner (which he's ridiculously afraid of).

Haha, I just thought his face was funny.

 They look so least Papi does anyway.

Me watching TV and wanting to kill Brent at the same time for taking this picture. Papi and his Dumbo ears look cute though. Guess I can't complain.

This just in, Brent tweeted "apparently he likes the sun." Papi confirms.


1 comment:

  1. サシャ〜

