Friday, June 3, 2011

Fashion shoot

Wow, this week was a bit rough. Actually, the past two week have been very busy for me. Well, busier than usual anyway. First it was the TV program I taped in chinatown, then it pulling product through Memorial Day weekend, then the week-long photo shoot for the shopping center and to top it off, we have another magazine going to print next week so I've been going in to my office after I finished at the mall to work till about 10-11p...crazy! This weekend is going to be pretty chaotic as well. While I look forward to catching a break, I've gotten say, as stressful as it may be, the photo shoots are always something that I look forward to. I mean, look at some of the shots that I've personally contributed to? They look awesome and I feel as though my contributions mean something.


  1. ok what is your job exactly and are you hiring for a personal assistant (MEEEE)?!!! ;D

  2. Haha I'm sort of a fashion editor so anything that falls under the girly umbrella, I either write about or this fashion shoot. I wish we could hire you--it would be so fun to have to around!
